The VSA Blog
Educational Graphics for Your Dog Trainer Tool Kit
Dog training is a hands-on profession, but not all teaching needs to take place in a class or a home training session. Print materials that clients can take home and social media resources you share online help strengthen your learning connection with your...
Big Dog, Small Dog. Talking about Canine Size Stereotypes
You’ve heard people generalize dogs by size, right? "Get a little dog -- you can take them everywhere” or “Big dogs belong in the country where they’ll have room to run.” There are a lot of long-standing beliefs about both giant and pint-sized pups. Some are...
A Message from Victoria: Why We’re Thankful
Working with dogs is our passion, and it stems from Victoria’s longstanding mission to do whatever she can to help dogs and the people who love them live their best lives together.
2022 Holiday Deals Now Available!
Get VSA’s biggest holiday deals of the year – over $500 value in premium add-on bundles!
First Impressions: Dressing Like a Professional Dog Trainer
What does “dressing for success” mean for a professional dog trainer who runs their own business? As a hired employee, you may have been asked to wear a uniform or a type of attire that promotes job safety and the culture of the company you work for. Sometimes...
Dog Trainer Course Tuition Increases Nov 1
Lock in savings of $500 by enrolling in VSA’s Dog Trainer Course before tuition increases on November 1, 2022.
Building Referral Partnerships with Pet Businesses
By initiating and nurturing relationships with other pet professionals, you can help your dog training business grow. Partnerships bring your business to the attention of new clients, help you create supportive relationships with like-minded pet professionals, and...
5 Ways to Boost Your Dog Training Business with Joy Marketing
"Joy marketing” is a way to infuse your business marketing with messages and imagery that cause potential clients to experience positive feelings of happiness, trust, or delight. Marketing with an eye towards joy helps clients associate feelings of happiness with...
How to Choose a Good Name for Your Dog Training Business
The right name sparks that first emotional connection with your ideal dog-training client. But choosing a unique name in the crowded pet industry isn’t always easy. Originality isn’t the only qualification for a successful name. In fact, a little too much creativity...
8 Tips to Reduce Your Dog Training Business Costs
Sometimes the key to making more money is spending less of it. Earlier, our team here at the Victoria Stilwell Academy offered tips on how to increase your dog training revenue. Now it’s time to take a quick look at your bottom line. Could your business be leaking...